教会地点 Our Location

地址 Address:61-09 Utopia Pkwy 2nd Floor Fresh Meadows, NY 11365

(在TD银行对面 Across the street from TD Bank)



周日下午 = 5点-6点

周三查经 = 晚上7-8点


认识我们的牧师 Get To Know Our Pastor



Pastor Bloom was born in the state of Georgia. When he was eighteen years old he trusted Jesus to save him. After accepting Christ his heart had a great burden for sharing the Gospel, and he started spreading the Gospel. Soon he felt God calling him to be a full-time preacher and he started studying at Bible college. After graduating Bible college, he and Nancy were married. Together they went to China for about two years. While in China they studied Chinese and also shared the Gospel. In 2020 they returned to the USA. In December of 2021 they started Truth Baptist Church in Flushing, NY. Two years later, God gave them they opportunity to start Fresh Meadows Baptist Church in Fresh Meadows, NY. Pastor Bloom welcomes you to visit Fresh Meadows Baptist Church. He hopes many people can have a chance to understand the Bible.

Let us know if we can do anything to help you or if you have any questions. Please feel free to reach out to us at anytime at the contact information below. Also, if you are interested we would be happy to schedule a small group Bible study with you. Just let us know if you are interested. God bless you in a great way.

耶稣的话 Words of Jesus

耶稣说, “你们必晓得真理,真理必叫你们得以自由”。我们的生活充满恐惧、悲哀、邪恶等,我们通过圣经的真理可以脱离这些事情的捆绑。我们可以得到自由!我们欢迎您来跟我们一起学习圣经的真理我们邀请你来拜访我们。

Jesus said, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Our lives are filled with fear, sorrow, and evil. Through the truth of the Bible we can free ourselves from the chains of these bad things. We can find freedom. We welcome you to come and study with us the truths of God’s word. We invite you to visit us.

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